An Avenue Homesteader

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Homesteading the Avenue Workshops 2010

The following workshops are designed to share information and techniques that for many have been long forgotten.  

Workshops are offered free or for a nominal fee (to cover materials) thanks to our sponsors Avenue Initiative Revitalization, Rat Creek Press and Alberta Avenue Community League.

All the workshop facilitators share their knowledge free of charge, however participants are welcome to ‘share’ back with a donation of cash or (in the spirit of homesteading) gifts-in-kind.

Child care can be provided on request.

Register with Carissa by email: or by phone (780) 439-7934.

Sunday, January 24, 2010 from 2-5 pm-  Bread Making
Few things make a home feel as comfortable as the smell of bread baking. In this workshop, Rat Creek Press’ An Avenue Homesteader, Carissa Halton, will share the techniques and formulas she uses to make bread that is nutritious, affordable. Participants get to experiment and will go home with two of their own ‘home-baked’ loaves.
Facilitator: An Avenue Homesteader, Carissa Halton           
Cost: $5
Location: Alberta Avenue Community League (9210 -118 Ave)
Number of Participants: 10

Sunday, February 28 , 2010 from 2-5 pm- Seed Starting
Save money and start a few vegetables and annuals at home! At this workshop, you will plant tomatoes, basil, sweet peppers and snapdragons. The Rat Creek Press’ Gardening Diva, Cheryl Walker, will share with you the techniques and equipment she uses to start dozens of garden plants in her dining room.  This hands-on seminar is sure to make the last months of winter feel warmer.
DON’T HAVE A GARDEN? Join us for this session, as well as May’s ‘Building a Square Foot Garden’ session.
LIVE IN AN APARTMENT? All these plants are great for growing even on small apartment decks.
Facilitator: The Gardening Diva- Cheryl Walker
Cost: $10
Location: Alberta Avenue Community League (9210 -118 Ave)
Number of Participants: 15

Sunday, March 14, 2010- Grafting Fruit Trees
Henry Stainthorp has multiple varieties of apples in his Spruce Avenue yard thanks to his skill in grafting. Grafting introduces great fruit production possibilities to your garden. Henry will share from his experience and inspire you with a tour of his garden. In this session, participants will get hands on practice grafting.
Facilitator: Henry Stainthorp
Cost: $5
Location: Meet at Alberta Avenue Community League (9210 -118 Ave)
Number of Participants: 15

Sunday, April 18, 2010 from 2- 5pm- Homemade Beauty Care Products
Visit the Skin Deep Website  ( and you soon realize how many of our beauty care products contain untested and non-FDA approved additives. Save money (and possibly your skin!) by making these products at home. Local neighbour, RN and mom, Hannah Barrington, will share her knowledge about the basic techniques and ingredients involved in creating beauty products on your kitchen stove. Participants will make two product samples.
Facilitator: Hannah Barrington
Cost: $10
Location: Alberta Avenue Community League (9210 -118 Ave)
Number of Participants: 10

Sunday, May 2, 2010- Square Foot Gardening Technique
Garden on your deck, cement pad, grass or weeds- even garden on a table- by trying the Square Foot Gardening method! Participants will learn how to make and plant a square foot garden by building and planting boxes for the Alberta Avenue Community League. Printed resource materials will be provided so participants can remember how to repeat the magic at home.
Facilitator: Carissa and Matthew Halton
Cost: Free
Location: Alberta Avenue Community League (9210 -118 Ave)
Number of Participants: 20

Sunday, June 13, 2010- Homemade Cleaning Products
 Cleaning products account for a significant percentage of household toxins. Freshen up your house! Learn how to make cleaning products that are safe for your family and yet are effective germ and grime busters. Participants will go home with two different products.
Facilitator: An Avenue Homesteader, Carissa Halton,
Cost: $5
Location: Alberta Avenue Community League (9210 -118 Ave)
Number of Participants: 15