An Avenue Homesteader

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Planting Schedule for Edmonton Veggie Gardens

The snow is almost gone off our lawn and back gardens... could it be true that spring has obeyed its placement on the calendar and arrived on time in Edmonton? Of course not, but I will continue to harbour hope that more rain than snow is in the weather god's forecast for the next two months.

This year I created a public calendar with a planting schedule for spring and summer in Edmonton- and I'm excited to share it! You'll find it below as well as in the pages tab on this blog. It includes dates for planting seeds indoors and outdoors, dates for transplanting and planting for continuous crops. I've designated Sundays as my planting day but, if you want to use this public calendar too, feel free to consider the Sunday plantings as plantings for the week- to be done at your earliest convenience. If you plan to follow the schedule for 2nd, 3rd and 4th plantings- make sure you leave space in the garden (or plan for the early harvest of lettuce, spinach, and radishes that will make room for later plantings of carrots and beets!). You'll find that in some cases, there are additional details in the location and description of the event on the calendar.

I've added only those veggies I plan to plant- if you want me to add other crops, please comment below and I'll be sure to add it.

Happy planning and planting!